Guest Cam | Exclusive to In the Booth! - In The Booth
In the Booth

Guest Cam | Exclusive to In the Booth!

In the Booth’s exclusive Guest Cam service is an incredibly popular feature of the In the Booth app. Guest Cam was specially designed to allow guests at weddings, birthdays and corporate events to capture photos on their mobile phone via our free app that then print instantly out of the booth – just like traditional photo booth prints. It’s fun, it’s addictive and it gives you a guest-eye view of your event like no other!


All About In the Booth’s App Service.

Guest Cam

What do I need to do to have GuestCam enabled for my event?

In the Booth’s GuestCam service is offered at no additional cost for all events. Keep in mind, In the Booth customers can choose to leave it turned off if it doesn’t suit the nature of your event. Once you have confirmed a booking for your photo booth hire, you will be provided with a custom online booking portal. Simply let us know if you would like Guest Cam enabled for your event in your portal. You can also provide us with your desired guest access code.

What should I use as my unique GuestCam code?

You might like to use your name and birthday such as ‘SKYE21’ or something unique to your event such as ‘AWARDS18’. Your guests will enter this code into the app once only. There’s no limit to how many Guest Cam images your guests can take. Guests are not required to log into social media to be able to print which is another key point. Guest Cam operates exclusively within the app so all images captured are completely private.

How will my guests know about In The Booth’s Guest Cam service?

How can we count the ways? Here’s just some of the ways we can assist your guests to get the most out of Guest Cam at your event:

We have a wide range of resources to choose from for you to email, mail or social media share with your guests prior to your event so they know all about the In the Booth app by the time the party gets started. You might like to include some information with your wedding invitations or even post a video link to your birthday party Facebook event.

There’s even more options to get your guests involved once the event kicks off. Perhaps you’d like to place some app information on your guests’ table settings. Your Guest Cam code will be clearly displayed near the booth and it always attracts attention on its own! Our attendant will be on hand to assist guests who ask “what’s that code for?” and make sure they start the night off right! The booth itself provides information about the app on the touch screen at the end of every photo session as well. Usually all it takes is one guest capturing their first Guest Cam and showing their friends. As they say, the rest is history!

Does this mean the booth won’t print photo booth strips?

Not at all! While some of your guests are off capturing some Guest Cam magic, the booth itself will be kept busy with a constant queue of photo booth aficionados! Guest Cam does not detract from the traditional photo booth fun in any way. Essentially it just adds to the variety of experiences guests can have with the booth during your event. You will find guests jump from traditional booth sessions to Guest Cam during the first dance and back again! The two services complement each other beautifully and ensure guests are having the time of their lives in and out of the booth.


What will my Guest Cam prints look like?

Great question! GuestCam prints come out of the booth as a 6″x4″ inch print. If you have chosen to have additional graphics, your Guest Cam prints will seamlessly match your traditional booth prints. Your guests will have an awesome collection of printed photographs to take home, all time stamped with the details of your event.

Does GuestCam need internet connection to work?

Yes. Like any upload or download service, your guests will need internet connection. From there, they simply upload their GuestCam images to the app and they’ll print from the booth.

Will I get to see the Guest Cam photos my guests have taken during my event?

You bet! You will receive all high-resolution booth images, photo booth prints, video messages and GuestCam images in your USB folio. Imagine opening up your gorgeous folio and being able to see your event through your guests’ eyes! Your guests will be able to capture all those moments you couldn’t see yourself as the guest of honour such as cutting the cake, the first dance or when your colleague wins the company performance award.

Check out our Pinterest board for more GuestCamexamples and inspo!

In the Booth's Guest Cam Service